William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
Feb. 5-9, 2025
Presented at The Bazaar on Apricot and Lime
The Lord of Misrule was the naughty spirit behind the Twelfth Night revelries in Queen Elizabeth I’s court. Under his mischievous influence, the normal order of things got turned upside down: bosses became servants, servants became bosses, women dressed as men, men dressed as women, dogs and cats living together (wait, no, that’s Ghost Busters); role playing, mask-wearing, and heavy drinking were all encouraged at the Festival of Twelfth Night. Huzzah!
Regular Tickets: $21(+ fees), Student Tickets: $13(+ fees)
Seating for this fun-filled festival of a performance is table-style and accessible. Please arrive early as seats are filled on a first come, first served basis.
The Bazaar on Apricot and Lime
821 Apricot Ave, Sarasota, FL 34237